The script by Marguerite Roberts a blacklisted writer who saw his script made because of the pull John Wayne had at the time. He could get the script made he could not get Karen Carpenter cast as Mattie Ross, instead Kim Darby who he did not like got to over act the part. Its funny because Wayne probably did not get an Oscar for this role because critics saw him as over the top and over acting. Still the film got made and was a pretty big box office success.
The story is that Mattie's father while away on business is shot dead by his hired help Tom Chaney (Jeff Corey), then Chaney heads out into Indian Territory to get away from the law. Mattie arrives in the town a determined young women to settle her father's affairs and get the law to go after Chaney and bring him to justice.
We really get to see her character developed as a too young girl with determination beyond her years. She handles her interactions as an adult would, and when the local Sheriff makes it clear he can't touch Chaney in the territories she finds Cogburn to be her hunter.

He is a Federal Marshall in the area a drunk and a mean bastard. He initially declines to help but after she offers reward money he agrees to go. The tension between then is that he doesn't like this young filly being so pushy and insisting she can go along. It is made clear she wants to see Chaney hanged and does not want to leave it to others to do it without her. La Beouf comes into the picture trying to join them because he is looking for Chaney for another crime, shooting a Senator in Texas. Cogburn allows him along but not without a bit of banter with him for being a Texan.
The dynamic between Mattie and La Beouf is interesting. In the rooming house she was staying , she wakes to find him in her room and he mentions almost stealing a kiss while she slept but that she may be too young. Definitely a bit of sexual innuendo that did not go unnoticed. A second incident when he spanks her only to be stopped by Cogburn saying "You look like you're enjoying that too much." confirmed the idea, even to the MPAA who originally rated the film "M" only to later change it to PG.
So the dynamics are set with the main tensions between the triangle of character driving the somewhat boring riding scenes. Cut into that are conflicts with outlaws here and there in which Cogburn and La Beouf have no qualms about killing with little reason. In the days of this film Eastwood had yet to push his cowboy with a conscience (Unforgiven) Here the bad guys are bad and dead or alive usually means dead. The story of revenge never gets past that and you can guess the outcome but I am sure not how they get there.

Rating (5.0) 5.0 and up are recommended, In the Zombiegrrlz system I say RENT IT!
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