Three girls head out into the fields and streams on a beautiful sunny day but only two come home. The mystery of the opening scenes which seems to show two of the girls killing their friend is seen only in short snippets. Those snippets are enveloped by a scene of Dr Ward (Janeane Garofalo) talking to young Marina (Jamy Lentz) trying to find out what happened that day. That is just the setup and we very quickly move to 15 years later when now grown Marina has been convinced that she was imagining the entire thing and was close to becoming schizophrenic thanks to 15 years with good doctor Ward. Let talk for just a minute about every time we have a mental health professional in a horror movie. They are either evil, crusaders or incompetent. Many times they are two of these things at once. Like the evil orderlies and non caring doctor Silverman in Teminator 2 : Judgement Day. Or a crusader like Dr Loomis trying to get people to understand just how dangerous Michael Myers is in Halloween. Or just incompetent like here in this film where because the therapist can't believe in the supernatural, then the patient must be ill. All of these instance make mental health workers look bad. I have something against that having worked as a counselor for eight years in my glorious past I know the majority of people in the field are in it for benevolent reasons. Because of the history of psychology and its really ill formed start as more punishment than a helping profession, mental health professionals get short shrift when it comes to morals. Often just mean people throwing straight jackets on patients and medicating them against their wills it has not been portrayed in a positive light. Ever. My pet peeve and soapbox. In this film Ward is seen as a logical smart professional but since she has no ability to connect to the supernatural aspects of the girls story, she just creates a diagnosis that covers what happened to Marina (Daniella Pineda). She sends her home after 15 years.

The teacher, Lily Bellows (Lee Eddy) is suspicious letting Bryce get all kinds of information and trying to make it a bit of a mystery. This is not going to end well especially when she leaves the kid on the internet by himself. Just beside I get the we will see this woman again vibe so maybe the actress if foreshadowing her character a bit too strongly. At this point it is all innocent enough but I have a feeling about this one.
A black feather to remind Marina about the crow they killed for their sacrifice. Will shows up to get Marina to consider getting on TV with her story. We also get more exposition where we learn Rebecca Kline the other little girl, was let out before Marina. Rebecca is the one who thought up Mercy Black and Marina portrays it as her idea to do those dastardly deeds. Will is a bit of an ass and can't keep his Mercy Black fandom contained when he talks to Marina making her really uncomfortable. She kicks him out of the house and he threatens the dog. So when they find the dog in the trash dead that night Alice is all in on blaming Will. When she confronts him she learns he has been researching stories of Mercy Black killings from around the world. The character does not make great sense as a friend but as a nutjob looking to profit off of Marina's history.

Marina starts questioning her years of therapy and now in a quick reverting to crazy has to find out if Mercy is real. Not calling back to the hospital for support but instead looking for Rebecca. We learn that after a suicide attempt that Rebecca is just a spaced out shell of a person. Well mostly. I like how everything even if a bit on the nose pushes the story forward. Mixed with the flashbacks of the children we get to see that the desire for Mercy to exist, even if made up by delusional kids may be enough to create the fiend out of imagination. We are really well set up in this movie. The mercy story has spread to Bryce and his imagination takes over while at the same time Marina is seeking to find out if her childhood trauma was just in her head. Both things are hopefully going to culminate with either a realization that it is a mental health problem or a real Mercy Black doing some serious damage. I would guess that since Marina is still the main character that she will be the one saving the boy from himself.

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