The basic premise is that a group of teens are going to search for the witch in the woods. She is a local legend called the Wicked. We get a cold open before the credits to show that the legend of the town of Summerset is now active again. A little girl, Amanda (Caitlin Carmichael) is terrified in her bed while her Mother (Nicole Forester) comforts her. She is crying about The Wicked coming to get her. While out with her friend they went to the woods with an older sister of said friend and found the witch's house in the woods. The little girl threw a rock at it breaking a window. This act means to her that the witch will come and get her. Mom comforts her that it is just stories to scare little girls like her and then puts her to sleep. In the night though the girl wakes to her window being opened and the witch appearing (well at least her hands on the sill) A wind pulls the girl towards the window while the girl screams. Some special effects yellow waves in the air show us it is magic taking the girl. The Mom comes in but it is just after her daughter is taken. She screams for her through the broken window. It is not a badly done opening scene and sets the stage for the rest of the film.

Part of the problem with the film is the heightened relationships between the characters. The Director Peter Winther plays the script by Michael Vickerman like a teen soap opera. The brother can't like each other, but not just like brothers might be they really don't seem to like each other. Teens are means to Sammy calling her a lesbian because she is a tomboy. The local deputy Karl accuses her of stealing because he doesn't like that Sammy's mom is an alcoholic. They at least pay this relationship off later but it really does not work because people just don't really treat each other this way. It is all way above being normal interactions and it really throws the viewer off. Everyone is a little rich and a lot douche and we probably won't feel for them when they get theirs.Then there is the music montage as Max and Sammy travel on bikes towards the same place his brother is going by car. uuugggg. So a little romance for the younger couple filler when we really just want the killing to start. At least we know who the possible survivors are.

Running from the house we hear the witch's screams when she learns her prize has been taken. She is now on the hunt for the older kids with little Amanda. The car is gone when they get back to their camp. When Zach finds his brother's bike he heads into the woods to find him at the witch house. The witch finally makes an appearance hunting and getting each of the rest of the group, except Julie and Amanda. Zach runs into Sammy and sends her off to the Rangers station while he goes back into the house to find his brother. Now there are characters that are going to win and many who will lose. The witch for her part is real and cocooning up people for sacrifice. Now you can probably guess the outcomes for the most part. This is a really clean movie as far as gore and not at all satisfying then suddenly there is a stew (brew) to be made and all that changes.

This is a tough film to stay engaged in but they worked hard to make something with a story and mythology so you have to give it some credit. There are some above low budget effects that are not too bad. In the end they even save little Amanda a nice touch.
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