Monday, October 4, 2021

Salem Horror Fest - Hall (2020)


Hall (2020) - When a debilitating sickness spreads across a long hotel hallway, a few scattered victims fight for survival, and try to escape from the dark narrow stretch of isolated carnage.

  This film was a bit too close to home now a year and 8 months into our own pandemic. There is a great way that writers Derrick Adams, Francesco Giannini(story) & Adam Kolodny spend time in the script allowing the audience to know characters. There are these really smart introductions with just enough background that when the shit starts hitting the fan the audience cares about characters and fewer seem like a body count. Primarily bouncing between Naomi (Yumiko Shaku), a woman who has fled to America on the premise of work but really has fled the husband of her unborn child because as she puts it he is a "bad man". In her interactions with the other lead Val (Carolina Bartczak) a woman in an abusive relationship looking for a way out and trying to protect her daughter while she finds it. The instances and dialog of "Mommy's clumsy" etc. are cliché in establishing the abuse but the feeling director Francesco Giannini creates with framing and music really brings home the threat of the husband character Branden (Mark Gibson) and kudos to him too for his ability to scare and threaten just with his quiet moodiness.  When a viral agent is released on the floor the two women are staying, we flash between them seeing how they got to where they are but also suddenly the effects of the crisis on each and the steps they take to deal with it. The viral agent does not just sicken those exposed but also makes then violent in the last throws of the sickness. Having to navigate the hall full of infected people creates a drama that is as menacing as the personal lives these women lead. Broken up into what is happening during the outbreak and Flashbacks that add a nice character development, I came away really liking this film, even though If I don't have to see another thing about viruses for several more years, I would be glad.


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