Thursday, April 9, 2020

CoronaVisions: Other things my eyes are seeing and ears are hearing while hunkering down.

  This uniquely strange experience we are all dealing with has left us with many hours to fill while sitting at home. This being a house with every possible entertainment possibility streaming through it as well as a movie collection that is somewhere around 3000 films I feel privileged to be able to distract myself really with ease. I am writing about many of the films I watch on this blog and am adding this running list of things I checked out. Here I will just touch on things that I've seen but not necessarily that I want to right a full review on. You can suggest things

Next Movie!    "Late Phases"

Podcasts Count too!!

Pseudopod - This is the best horror fiction podcast out there. Original and also reads of some wonderful classics. It is worth your time.

Here's the Deal w/ Joe Biden - I have to try to get to know Biden now that Bernie has dropped out. So far he seems like a bit of a jerk.

The Ezra Klein Show -  Another journalist trying to make a difference during these trying times.

Rumble - Michael Moore podacsting from the heart of the pandemic in NYC

NOFS(Nightmare on Film Street) podcast is good horror entertainment. This latest is Mindhunter vs. The Cell.

In Our Times - This is a BBC history pod that I absolutely love.

One Album at a Time
Band                                   Album                                   Year

R.E.M.                      Automatic for the People                1992

Pxndx                        Amentes Sunt Amentes                  2006
This is the album that came out after their controversy where they were accused of plagerism. I like this band but still not sure if they peoperly addressed those carges.

The Screens Sessions

The Platform (2019) - A really on the nose analogy for trickle down economics, but really well done and certainly a message that America needs. 

One Album at a Time
Band                                   Album                                   Year

Otis Redding                 Live in Europe                           1967

N.W.A.                        Straight Outta Compton               1988

The Screens Sessions

Kingdom (2019) This is a Netflix series set in what looks like late 19th century Korea. I am guessing the timeline here, there were a few guns but mostly swords. The story is one of political intrigue where an adviser to the dead King uses a Resurrection procedure which makes the king a zombie. Unfortunately for them this spreads outside of the palace. Disposed Prince Lee Chang, must grow to become the leader that the country needs as the zombie plague spreads. 

SX_Tape (2013) - Found footage can be a thing that either you like it or you don't. There is always this thought, "Why is he/she still filming?" when the shit is hitting the fan. This one has that issue as well as being really similar to Grave Encounters (2011). In this a couple thinking about doing a sex tape enter a closed hospital to explore their idea. Then shit gets real.

The Golem (2018) -  This was a surprising film to me, bringing religious myth and a historical drama into a horror package that delivered within the main character's arc. The story of a scapegoated community during a plague who has not been touched by the death only because they are isolated. When the threat from the greater world arrives one resident takes a drastic step to try to protect the community, bring to life the titular Golem. But you know its horror sometimes there are unintended consequences.

Ever After (2018)  - aka EndZeit is a new take on an old and worn trope of the Zombie film. I like the character arcs in this film and since that is where the story lives found the movie enjoyable. Not a ton of zombies but that is not what this one is about.

One Album at a Time
Band                                   Album                                   Year

Machine Head                Unto the Locust                         2011
Fucking killing it on this album, not the most upbeat thing in my collection but the music is killer. This is fast and hard so don't expect ballads.

La Fuga                         Definitive Collection                  2017
Another really solid Spanish language Rock band who have been doing it for years
Jackson Browne               For Everyman                          1973
Great songwriting and incredible voice Jackson Browne is wonderful.

Ice Cube                           Death Certificate                      1991
Yep! Place for this in my collection. Platinum his 2nd solo album. Kicks ass.

 Hank Williams             Settin' the Woods on Fire            2006
Compilation of Hank's Greatest hits Why don't you love me like you used to do?

Gang of Four                   Entertainment!                          1979
Like that punk sound, totally would not have been into this band but for Rolling Stone's top 500 albums. This one sits at #483 and I am glad I found it. That guitar riffs are really great on this album. And the version I have has a cover of "Sweet Jane" Live

Fleetwood Mac                Rumours                                  1977
A classic. it is #26 in Rolling Stones Top 500 albums of all time   I am not personally a fan but I have to say I know a lot of the songs since I am old enough to listen to a lot of radio.Since I have been collecting the 500 of all time this is in the collection.

Cold                            The Things We Can't Stop            2019
I have liked Cold since I saw them at a Lollapaloosa back in the early 90s. This album is classic Cold with its' enticing sound walls and heart felt lyrics. Perfectly Cold.

Daniel Innantuono             Katiebird                                 2006
This is a soundtrack to a horror movie that is guitar based fragmentation and chords with themes for the film. Reminiscent of early Pink Floyd in its approach it worked well on a walk where I was focusing on Pokemon GO.

Eagles                                  Eagles                                    1972
Not my favorite Eagles album but this 1972 recording has a couple songs everyone should know in "Take it Easy" "Witchy Woman" and "Peaceful Easy Feeling"

The Screens Sessions

Legion (2010) - Kelly's first pick on our horror group watch, a group of strangers is besieged by supernatural forces because the pregnant waitress at the roadside diner is pregnant with the second coming of Jesus and demonic forces want to kill the child before it is born. This movie did not hold up very well although I don't think I liked it when it originally came out.

The Screens Sessions

Better Call Saul - This show is a bit of a acquired taste, a show about an unreliable but somewhat likable lawyer with a low moral bar. Sometimes its like watching a slow motion car wreck but if you like that, the interpersonal aspects are well defined and the character arc solid.

Devil's Pass (2013) - This was a Joy pick, a filmmaker and her crew investigating a legendary story about a group of hikers who died in the Ural Mountains of Russia, find more than they expected when they recreate the hike. Pretty decent little movie with a weird sci-fi ending. I like the mystery of the film but I kept feeling like it could have been better, tighter.

Star Trek Picard - I can''t really say I like this series, its a strange mix of gleeful Star Trek sentimentality and hokey save the universe adventurism. I am a completest so I keep popping in no matter how outrageous the plot gets. Seriously when someone dies let them be dead.

Event Horizon (1997) - My last pick for a film watch, this is a decent sci-fi horror film with a good cast and a mind fuck of an idea. Some of the effects especially objects floating in the space ship must have been really cool computer graphics in the 90s but now are so dated. When the first folding space drive is tried on the Event Horizon the ship disappears, well its back and Our crew is going to investgate. But where has the ship been and what did it bring back?

Podcasts Count too!!

All the podcast from the Zombiegrrlz  These Stream Queens - Horror movie talk about film found on the streamingverse, Zombie Girls the original horror talk pod, The Cast of K about all thing Dark Towera working through the books one chapter at a time, and The More Deadly Podcast hitting one movie an episode.

Post Mortem - Writer Director Nick Garris is also a wonderful interviewer and this guest oriented podcast allow us to learn about people in the movie business. Horror themed.

Best of the Left - This is my favorite political podcast, people who are not progressive may want to avoid this. Or listen and hear how others think about things.

Shockwaves - Horror talk from some great personalities with guest on top of that.

Pod Save America - Former Obama aids talk about the news of the day.

NOFS(Nightmare on Film Street) pocast is good horror entertainment.

What a Day! - A daily dose of what is going on in the country in a quick fifteen minute format, start your day with What a Day!

A Star to Steer Her By. - It's a Star Trek podcast, they are currently reviewing two episodes of Deep Space Nine each pod. ITs nerdy and fun to listen too.

Hysteria - The Women of Crooked media talk the topics of the day before ending with a Hill to Die on, defending any stance that does not need to be defended. Smart, informed and current.

The Screens Sessions

Supernatural - In its 15th season and the Winchester boys and Angel Castiel are in the final conflict. Not with the devil or his minions, been there done that, but with God himself. This season we see that God has created the multiverse so that he can live through the characters he creates. Sam and Dean are having none of it and with the help of Death and the Son of the Devil (Jack) they are planning to bring the all mighty to his knees. Well they hope for that outcome, in its final season and a bit worn this show still warms my heart.

Under the Shadow (2016) -  A low budget film with some great scares and a compelling story. This is Joy's second pick and she picked a winner. This is a tense little tale of a mother and her daughter left alone in a Tehran apartment building during the Iraq-Iran war where she is in constant threat from Iraqi missiles. At the same time while her neighbors all flee for safer destinations she and her daughter experience horrors outside the war threats, as a Djinn attaches to her daughter and wreaks havoc on their already complicated lives. Well done small film by Babak Anvari with some really great low budget scares. Joy says the version she watched was poorly dubbed but I had the in Iranian subtitled version and found it enjoyable.

One Album at a Time
Band                                   Album                                   Year

Babasรณnicos                     Infame                                     2003
This is a solid main stream rock band from Argentina, spanish language.  Easy to listen to and enjoy the songs are tight and the music solid. I find this very singable rock with no hard edges.

A.N.I.M.A.L.                   Usa Toda Tu Fueza                 1993
If you like 90's heavy metal this band could do it for you. Spanish language hard beats and raging guitars. Why do I only have their first album? I think I first came across this album because it has a cover of Highway to Hell on it.

The Screens Sessions

The Walking Dead Season 11 - I should have stopped watching this show years ago. It has lost its shine probably 6 seasons ago but I am a bit of a completest. I just find most of this show at this point is problems that can be solved by killing the enemies leader. One bullet solutions! Of course you could argue that two bullets would be needed to end "The Whisperers" threat but hey it is doable. So I am still watching without enthusiasm.

The Hunt (2020) Yes I dropped the $20 on a film that would have no box office at all if it was not moved from theaters to streaming. This one is a bit of an odd cookie, a very competent action film. A clever satire where I am not sure where I stand on the politics of it and a lesson to all about doing your research; Especially if you are going to grab a group of people to hunt at a manor in Croatia. Maybe I should have gone with the safer "The Invisible Man". Still I think I like the film it kicks along at a good pace and has a final fight to the death that rivals Uma Thurman and Vivica A. Fox's fight in Kill Bill. Betty Gilpin carries the film with a smoldering acceptance of her situation and an ability to kick ass..

Westworld Season 3 - Here we are in season three and the show is still interesting Delores seems to be in the real world while Maeve seems to be aware but unable to leave the park. Bernard continues to investigate his nature and the structures of the world. It is all good fun so I watch the dvr version of the show each week.

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