Thursday, April 18, 2019

She Wolf (2013) Horror Serial Killer

She Wolf (2013) - An Argentinian film "Mejor lobo" is about the woman serial killer addicted to sex and death.  The serial killer played by three actresses because each woman represents a different aspect of the character. Mónica Lairana is the main character who seems to be the bait and the murderer. Seeking out aggressive men who will take charge of her to fulfill there sexual desires. She is a willing partner, submissive but deadly using the post sex oasis to poison them to death. They feel dominant and in control, satisfied and have their guard down. It is an interesting character both the perpetrator and the victim. She hunts a particularly type of aggressive male who sees her as a sexual object, but not an equal. He is willing to tie her up force his sexual proclivities on her she a willing object. It is a statement about sexual objectification and the inherent inequality of the patriarchy. In this world centered in the subways of Buenos Aires, Argentina the environment is one where men take women's space, tell her too smile more and make sexual advances as a matter of course. Lairana's character though gets vengeance through submission using this male created structure to put her victim at ease, to make him never to see her as a threat. Then after he feels the flush of conquest she slips the poison to him and he dies in pain. A poetic rebuke to the machismo social structure.
 Tamae Garateguy weaves the actresses in and out of the scenes expressing the characters mood through ac tress. After an opening scene where the killer in the form of Lairana kills her sex partner, She leaves and walks home as actress Luján Ariza, a flirty buxom blonde. See seems to represents the characters sexual desire. She is the part of the killer who wants fulfillment through sex as opposed to Lairana who wants to violently lash out unfulfilled. We see Ariza flirt with a construction worker on her walk in control and confident in her sexuality. Later we see her masturbating in bed frustrated because the incessant barking of a small dog is keeping her from climax. Poor puppy. Control shifts though and we see that the Lairana ego is the strongest when Ariza seduces a lead sing of a band. She is the seductress and uses her looks and obvious desire to reel the man in. As they engage in sex  her character remains while he performs acts for her pleasure. When he become more dominant forcing towards acts that will please him more than her, it brings out the Lairana ego a definite detriment to the man.
There are other aspects to this character like anyone's personality has parts. Director
   The third part of her ego is depicted by Guadalupe Docampo, she still holds out hope for love and caring in a relationship. The part of the character that hopes a normal life can be achieved. She dressing a bit more conservatively and portrays a younger more innocent women. Not that she is asexual but just that the sex comes from a place of wanting tenderness. We see her early in the film doing her hair, pinning up her braids. Then at a part sitting on a bench trying not to be the Lairana ego and shaking with the effort. When approached by a nearby soccer player she rebukes his advances only to be called frigid. Another statement on the male dominated word she lives in. The advances of men are to be considered and if rejected they project fault on the woman.
  The three aspect of the character flow seamlessly as she makes her way through the world, each having its time when circumstances dictate. It is a clever piece of film making that is well grounded and deftly executed. The character established we get to the plot. The police are on the trail of the killer and when she unknowingly picks up a cop as her next victim she has a horribly close call. She escapes capture barely and with the help of a young drug dealer. This is a pivotal scene initiating the rest of the film. The first thing is the cops are on her trail although from the encounter she can't be sure he is a cop more that he is dangerous and knows who she is. The second is the Docampo ego likes the drug dealer and moves to have a relationship with him. These two plot points begin to shift the balance of the three aspects of the ego. Now there is mixing since she must kill and wants satisfaction and still dreams of a normal relationship. This culminates when it is the Decampo ego that kills the cop, her relationship and happiness was threatened by him so it is her that did the killing. Garateguy does a great job intertwining and showing shots of this intermingling. Culminating in the corruption of the more innocent Docampo ego.
  The ending is a sad one not that surviving the encounters with the cop are bad for the character. The well executed idea that the three egos can not coexist and only one can remain is what is so very sad. Still I thought the film was very interesting in story, execution  and social commentary. I did not even get too the metaphor of all the penetration in this film. The men using it as a controlling feature and on a few occasion our killer using it to murder.  I should warn potential viewers because the sexual content is quite domineering and aggressive and the responses violent. I recommend this one for mature audiences.


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