Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Boston SciFi Fest Monday

A real Nor'easter blew through New England leaving about 24 inches of snow most places and leaving the schedule for the Boston Science Fiction Festival in shambles. Friday and Saturday were completely adrift with snow and wind being the issues everyone was dealing with. Sunday I hear there was a showing but the digging out process was still going on in Somerville so getting there and parking was an issue. So we get to Monday and the opportunity to start anew.
Monday Feb 11:

5:00 PM MARS ET AVRIL  - Love and life meaning are explored through a love triangle between Muscician Jacob Obus (Jacques Languirand), his instrument designer Arthur (Paul Ahmarani) and the muse who enters their lives photographer Avril (Caroline Dhavernas). Tied together through the interaction of the characters and a important moment in time for this future Montreal, the first mission to mars, the film explores what it is to love and be honest. The film I think mostly if not entirely shot on green screen shows a futuristic world where the primary advances in society are strange clothes and hair cuts... okay I am being a but unfair. I am always a bit put off by crazy hairdos and dress when looking at a scifi film. There are some very science fiction set design features that allow the viewer to be transported into the future. A visually effective film with fine music it was definitely worth the view.

7:00 PM FOUND IN TIME - A time traveling "collector" in a futuristic world that looks exactly like modern day NYC this obviously lower budget film is one of those multiple outcome pieces that takes a bit too long to reach a resolution. The main character Chris (Macleod Andrews)is a psychic who makes a living selling things he finds to people on a street corner. He works this corner with a mixer, RJ (Derek Morgan) a guy who types words on a typewriter and sells coffee to customers, and a spinner Ayana (Mina Vesper Gokal) who weaves small pieces of psychically charged cloth. Each has a story of how they became the psychics they are. They are the lower rungs of society and with that comes the hassles of cops who force them to share their powers by giving them leads. Chris is being manipulated by his girlfriend Jina (Kelly Sullivan) who is a scientist studying the possible outcomes of time travel. Her and her cohort Anthony (Eric Martin Brown) seem to think that they can use the psychics to predict the future but too many variables and Chris's unpredictable behavior slow the progress of their experiments. I struggled with the repeated scenes of various outcomes to the events set in motion in the second act. The film is fine for what it is but my personal enjoyment suffered with the length of all the possible outcomes.

9:00 PM WHEN TIME BECOMES A WOMAN - Now I have to say I was a bit tired going into this film. My day had started at 4am so by 9pm I was not looking for this film. It is a seventy minute one location conversation between a revolutionary Zad and I am guessing a woman who is Time. Guessing because thirty minutes into their conversation I left... I was done and could not read subtitles for another second. It seemed to be going in the direction that he had failed to win his revolution and so some how found this woman who could help him. Help him if he could convince her to. At some point I will revisit this film but on this night it was not to be.
Premiere! From Jordan
 The night as a whole was a mixed bag for me....

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