Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Soresport likes...

Here at Soresport movies coverage is almost always about horror movies, but life is so much more than that. Here are some other things the Soresport is currently digging.


The Zombiegrrlz Podcast - This is currently my favorite podcast, Rachel aka "Zombiegrrl" has a great style, insightful in her reviews, she smoothly leads the rest of the grrlz, Summer aka "Lady Succubus", Ariel aka "The Last Grrl", Brianne aka "The Reanimatress", into the latest but sometimes not the greatest movies out today. These girls have fun and love horror and spend the time to thoroughly review there features. You can get them through itunes or at their website.

WTF with Marc Maron - Great comedy from a great comedian, Marc Maron who I first saw iin the Boston Comedy scene in the 80s, who was excellent in his short stint on Air America and who now has this hilarious pocast. Bringing in comedians from his extensive Rolodex (do those exist anymore) this is the best podcast for hearing the experience of the comedian while also hearing some great

Best of the Left Podcast - Jay Tomlinson picks a subject and then collects the best of current progressive talk and shows on the subject then splices them together into just the best political show out there. Whether you are a lefty, centrist or insane and need to educate yourself, you can get the best talk happening on the latest news and issues today in a convenient well produced show.

The Scare-ening - Journalists Stacie Ponder (Final Girl) and Heidi Martinuzzi ( are great and I wish I could stay up later to hear this live but instead I get it on podcast. I love the little bit of bitterness that mixes into conversation, they may be near my age.

The Nerdist Podcast - Chris Hardwick hosts this funny comedy show, with stand up comedians, TV personalities, tech news, and lots of stuff geeks will love this great show.

The Dead Lantern Splattercast - The Guys at Dead Lantern have a ball while reviewing the latest in horror. Not only that they don't just watch horror but make it, their latest film "Outpost Doom" is available at their website. I recently watched it and a review is forthcoming. Very enjoyable the group is about the right size for a podcast and they build off each other nicely. You can get them at itunes, I should just say you can get all podcasts here through itunes.


The Horror Digest - Andre Dumas covers alot of horror related maaterial and I love her first person reviews. She watches so many things that I have not thought about in years and reviews them with the insights of youth and a styles that is so Andre, enjoy every entry. Currently she is having a contest to win tickets to the Horror Marathon coming up at the Coolidge Corner theater midnight on Oct 30th get over there and enter!

Finalgirl - Stacie Ponder makes a second appearance with her excellent horror blog. Currently she is slowly revealing the results of her poll for the greatest horror movies of all time. Read it!

All Things Horror - A locally based horror site with great reviews and horror movie related news. Mike Snoonian and Chris Hallock have put together a great site. They also host independent horror movies and shorts about once a month at the Somerville Theater, the next coming Oct 26th.

Television -
Stargate Universe,
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia,
Eureka, and I am totally psyched for "The Walking Dead" coming to AMC starting Halloween night.

Discgolf - Love the sport and with more and more free to play courses around the area there is no reason you should not try it. Sometimes you have to get off your ass and get your body moving this is a great way to do it. Check out for a list of courses.

Well those are some things I am liking right now. How about you?

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